Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Solutions Essay

For this paper, you will propose a solution for the problem you defined in Essay #3. Again you will construct an argument, but this time you will focus on building a case for your own solution to that problem.

You will need to do additional research for this paper in order to present solutions that have already been attempted but have failed or have not been very effective, as Barbara Whitehead’s essay “Rethinking Divorce” demonstrates.Then, you will expand your thoughts to propose a reasonable, more effective solution that will bring about results. You must also document that research using MLA for both in text citations and a properly formatted Works Cited page.

Expected length and format:essays should run 600-1200 words; the final draft must be “typed” in an 11 or 12 point font like Arial or Times New Roman and be double-spaced with one inch margins on all sides.

It is important that you avoid oversimplifying your subject or your solution. If your reader can say “Easier said than done” or believes your solution is obvious, then you probably need to revise to explain how your solution can be implemented. Your tone should also be compelling and demonstrate that you are reasonable. Though you may feel strongly about your position, you do not want to put your readers off.

In Essay #3, you proved that a problem exists, much like David Crabtree’s “Why a Great Books Education Is the Most Practical!” where he spends considerable space explaining why studying great books is the best path to take. In contrast, Ed Bell, in “Technology, Movement, and Sound,” focuses on one solution, the benefits raking leaves. Note also that he identifies a number of potential objections to his approach, and includes a handful of negative points about leaf blowers.

  • a clear, but brief explanation of the problem
  • a narrow and focused thesis expressing a specific and workable solution
  • a clear, thorough explanation of the solution being proposed
  • attention to other possible solutions and their limitations
  • acknowledgement of possible criticisms or objections to your solution

other applicable characteristics important to argument as used in Essay #3

NOTE: I have attached Essay #3 for which you are to write solutions. The problem introduced in essay is hygiene so the solutions should have to do with hygiene. The peer review document is what is being looked for in this essay so please be sure to read it to make sure that you include everything in this essay. ESSAY SHOULD BE IN MLA FORMAT AND SHOULD USE PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES AS SOURCES.

Writing Homework Help

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