Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. What is the Health Legislation/ Current Events

Visit the Website for the U.S. House of Representatives. List any health care legislation currently pending before the House that you believe is relevant to the health care profession you will practice.

List two additional Websites where information about health care legislation can be found.

Search the Website of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA). Use the site to find out if your states passed civil justice reform acts that pertain specifically to health care practitioners. If so, briefly describe the acts and how they might affect health care practitioners.

On the second sheet of paper

Include a link of your news article along with the name of the news website, title of article, author, and date article was published. If you do not include a copy of your article with the required information on it, your assignment will not be accepted.

Summary of article: Using your own words summarize the key points (address the five W’s: what, where, when, who and why) of the article so that the reader has a clear understanding as to the scope of the article. Do not just copy word for word from your article, this is plagiarism! What Law & Ethic topic does this article reference? The article that you have chosen should correspond with a topic that we are currently covering. Clearly state how your article is related to the topic. How does this article affect you personally? All events affect us in some way. Be creative and open your thoughts to how current events are related to you (e.g. socially, ethically, emotionally, economically, etc.) How will this current news affect future generations? Make a prediction about how lives will be affected 20 – 30 years from now by this current event.

Articles should be chosen from reputable sites and articles should not be published earlier than the year 2020.

Writing Homework Help

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