Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. business creative development + startgy and process: 2000-2500 words digital portfolio

Digital Portfolio Part 2 (50%)

Digital Portfolio 2 will contain the majority of the development work and the result of the testing and evaluation will be submitted in Week 12. This will also identify those elements of the module that will affect the development of the IMC Project.

The balance will vary from student to student but broadly the Digital Portfolio will be split across two parts, part 1 is due in week 8 and part 2 is due in week 12.

Digital Portfolio Part 1 should comprise:

  • Insights: generated from personas, customer journey mapping, competitor research and identifying touchpoints
  • Creative brief: defining the proposition, target audience, media requirements to direct the creative process
  • Ideation: innovative, disruptive and unexpected communications and user experiences

Digital Portfolio Part 2 should comprise:

  • Development 1: paper and digital prototyping
  • Development 2: A/B testing of creative, proposals, calls to action and user experiences
  • Reflective narrative: application of a staged model of reflection to the activities and experiences throughout the module

Writing Homework Help

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