Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Social Psych select one or two central topics discussed during the semester and write about how the topic(s) is relevant to you and your life.

In addition to reading and thinking about the concepts covered in the text, an important part o f the learning process includes applying these concepts to your own life and experiences. To facilitate this process, a personal application paper must be uploaded on Canvasno later than 11:59pm on Sunday,December 13. The paper should be typed (12 characters/inch font), three to five pages in length, and double-spaced with one inch margins. Late papers will not be accepted and students not turning in papers will receive a 0.The personal application paper will count for 20% of your final grade.For the paper, students should select one or two central topics discussed during the semester and write about how the topic(s) is relevant to you and your life. For example, for the chapter on prejudice, you might write about a time you directly or indirectly experienced some form of prejudice. Alternatively, you could analyze a television commercial with an eye toward the material covering the use of persuasion to increase compliance. Remember, this assignment is intended to help you recognize how the material covered in class is personally relevant, as well as to encourage you t o think critically about the concepts presented instead of passively accepting them as truths. Thus it is acceptable (and commendable) to include in your paper a discussion of the reasons why you agree/disagree with what the author is saying. To reiterate, each paper must have the following two components: a review (including proper citation) of the concept from the text to be discussed; and second, your thoughts/feelings on t his topic and a discussion of how it applies to your life including whether you agr ee/disagree with what the author has said.

Writing Homework Help

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