Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. environmental politics essay on air pollution debate with Donald Trump and Obama

I am writing an environmental politics essay on air pollution debate with Donald Trump and Obama. I already have the outline and citations done. I just need someone to go through the citations and write the paper for me from them. It should be an 8-10 page double spaced with size 12 font.

More Instructions are also listed below:

  • Narrow the issue and develop a research question regarding the politics surrounding the issue.
  • Discuss each of the following:
    • Briefly discuss the historical aspect of the issue.
    • Was there a particular event or series of events in society that focused attention on the issue?
  • How has this issue progressed over time?
  • What key political institutions support the issue?
    • Have the institutions changed over time?
    • Domestic Institutions, Intergovernmental Organizations, Nongovernmental Organizations.
  • Who are the key interests involved with this environmental issue?
    • Interest Groups actively working with this issue?
    • Industry Representation?
  • Critically analyze the development of this issue in relation to the political institutions and organized interests.
  • Analyze the environmental issue in relation to the political theories discussed in class.


– This paper must contain in-text citations and a reference page.

– Final submission should be 8-10 double spaced pages, size 12 font.

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