Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. A minimum 400 word creative reflection

Plan and write your own creative reflection. Unlike the course’s previous writing assignments, this assignment is much more open-ended, allowing you the opportunity to be creative in this personal exploration.

DUE 12/15/17

At the minimum, the Creative Reflection must:

  • Be carefully proofread and free of errors
  • Be a minimum of 400 words (may include poetry, personal narrative, profile, blog/journal entry, etc.)
  • Focus on a personal experience or belief

The Creative Reflection does not have to:

  • Be in traditional/standard essay format
  • Include a thesis statement, topic sentence, or other core essay components

ENG 205 Creative Reflection Rubric

Performance Indicators




Needs Work


The piece expresses the student’s vision informed by her/his individual choice, perspective, and/or values

Offers a clear vision expressed in a unique way; demonstrates critical thinking that challenges values or transcends subject matter

Offers a vision expressed in a unique way; demonstrates critical thinking

Expresses a clear perspective

Expresses an unclear perspective


The piece reveals student’s knowledge of or desire to learn more about the subject matter

Reveals deep knowledge or clear, specific desire to acquire knowledge very specifically, and with a strong, confident voice

Reveals clear knowledge or shows a clear desire to learn more about the subject

Attempts to reveal knowledge or provides partially correct knowledge, or shows an interest in the subject

Reflects a lack of knowledge and/or clear desire to learn more about the subject


The piece demonstrates awareness of and ability to use the tools and techniques for the format chosen

Demonstrates masterful and/or inventive use of tools and/or techniques for the chosen format that elevate the message of the piece

Demonstrates skillful use of tools and/or techniques that work for the chosen format and meet the purpose of the piece

Demonstrates limited but appropriate choice and use of tools and/or techniques that work for the chosen format that least somewhat meet the purpose of the piece

Demonstrates limited knowledge of tools and/or techniques that work for the chosen format that could have been used to meet the purpose of the piece


This piece has been revised and edited well. There may be a few errors, but they do not detract from the readability of the piece.

A good solid attempt at revising and editing has been made. Only a few MUGS errors remain, but they don’t detract from the readability of the piece too badly.

While an attempt at revising and editing has been made, there are still several errors that detract from the readability of the piece.

This paper was not revised and/or edited carefully. Many errors detract from the readability of the essay.

Writing Homework Help

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