Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. write an essay in 2000 words


  • Single Discursive Essay
  • On 2 Authors (no more, no less)
  • ONE from the 21st Century
  • ONE from before
  • Compare and Contrast them
  • You should make an argument
  • Which draws on some historical material
  • But which also supports all its key points with close reading
  • Aim for about 2000 words
  • CONSTRUCTING AN ARGUMENTAn essay should have an introduction, a main argument and a conclusionDon’t be afraid to repeat yourselfThe INTRODUCTION should say what you are going to say (your THESIS), and the ORDER you’re going to say it in (your STRUCTURE).The MAIN ARGUMENT should then set out your thesis in DETAIL, and provide EVIDENCE and illustration (in the form of close reading) for EVERY POINT you make.The CONCLUSION should then SUMMARIZE what your thesis was, and state WHY it is IMPORTANT (maybe with a twist
  • Use the poetry and poets for the 2 authors you have to pick from attachements
  • “The gravest charge against commitment is that
    even right intentions go wrong when they are
    noticed, and still more so when they try to
    conceal themselves.”

    Theodore Adorno
    Discuss the role of didacticism in LGBT literature

Writing Homework Help

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