Writing Homework Help

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Part 1


One form of technology used in a classroom is social media technology. Notably, there are various platforms of social media that are used for learning. They include Facebook where educative groups are formed for sharing information on different subjects. Another one is LinkedIn which is used for building professional connections. Another one is YouTube where teachers create class presentations or upload course videos. There is also twitter which can be used in stimulating open debates by students on academic topics. The other platform is WhatsApp which can be used for discussion forums. Social media technology is effective because it can be used to cultivate skills that boost the learning capacity of students. Social media also results in increased communication as learners are able to communicate with teachers or classmates at any given time. As a result, instructors are able to guide their students even when they are out of class.


Another technology is computers, mobile technology, and tablets. Mobile devices are a big advantage as they are small and portable and as a result, they can be carried around and learners are able to readily access information. Educators can use mobile learning to create ebooks on different subjects where students are able to access information by clicking a few buttons. Moreover, digital smartphones have advanced and brought about advanced mobile apps which is software that can be used in augmenting classroom lessons and m-learning. There is also the availability of computers in portable sizes known as laptops. These can be used together with tablets to access online journals and websites where students are able to complete their research projects without the problems of having to look for library books.


In the event of a technology failure, there should be a good backup plan to use. The first way is addressing the connectivity by checking the router, being aware of bandwidth, bandits, installing appropriate applications on a mobile phone, or choosing an alternate location. Another way involves using old technology like printing lessons and send them to students. One should also have people who they can call when the technology failure happens like for example the school’s IT department. Moreover, one should have the confidence that learning will continue and set that expectation for the students which also helps in making the students have confidence in their instructor.


Part 2


In my lesson plan for social studies/ History class the learning type I would use would be Facts, rules, and action sequences. I chose this as my foundational knowledge to promote critical thinking because in order to learn you need to have knowledge of what you are learning and be able to totally comprehend. Although the lesson is about the Revolutionary war. The assignment will allow learners to take a look at all the facts and see how or what may have caused it. Based on the assignment learners are learning more about history in America as well as thinking about if things have changed or if the way things are now are still doing the same as previous history. Learners will be able to state what it is they have learned and present facts in summarized paragraphs.This relates to my learning goals because learners will not only have to read the work or research but they are having to say in their own words what happened.


Part 3


As a teacher, there is a need to prepare a lesson plan since it guides teaching. It helps in making teachers’ work more comfortable. The school administration at times requires them to be able to evaluate the teachers teaching processes. These plans are usually tailored to ensure all their learning objectives are met, and students learn whatever is stated in the school curriculum (Hew et al., 2017). Therefore, teachers need to have a plan that will accommodate all the students in the class. There are those students who usually have a problem with language, behavior, or other learning challenges. Therefore, the teacher’s plan should be able to accommodate all these students.


For my lesson plan, I was able to consider these students since I’m aware of all my student’s abilities and disabilities which is my job to ensure they all learn. Some of my students have learning problems, so I used charts and technological equipment to quickly learn whatever is being taught since the teacher’s instructions are not enough for them. There were also students with language problems since some were from Germany and were not familiar with English. To accommodate these students, decided to include technological devices like DVDs with learning content with a translated subtitle which also helps them to learn the English language. Another criterion in my plan to accommodate such students was to pair the students with others who had no problem with the English language hence enabling them to learn through their interaction. Some of my class’s learning objectives were that the student should understand the English language and speak fluently at the end of the learning process. Another objective was that the student expresses him/herself in English and understands whatever is being communicated to him/her in the English language.


Part 4


Ms. Velchek’s new test can be noted as a fair way to assess her student’s knowledge because the new way enabled students to internalize and grasp world geography lessons. The testing method promotes a higher level of learning and understanding. By introducing a new way of assessing her student, they were expected to not just memorize facts and figures but also introduce a skill in an in-depth analysis of what they were learning in class. Despite excellent writing skills, the students exhibited by writing well-constructed sentences, well-organized ideas with minimal grammatical errors in their essays; the students were not retaining the knowledge they were gaining from the lessons the teacher was teaching that could be useful in the future. Multiple Test Format is the best testing method that I will utilize when assessing my students’ progress. Multiple test format includes short answers, diagrams, multiple choices, charts, fill-in-blanks where students are expected to answer questions on materials. It is also essential to note that the tests do not need to be restricted to pen and paper format; also, to make sure all students are included in the testing process, students with written output problems can be provided with oral-response tests (Gibbs & Simpson, 2004)

Writing Homework Help

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