Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Healthcare Quality/Risk Management Reducing IUSS Research Paper

You will write an 8 – 10 page paper on the health care quality or risk management topic you submitted on Week 9. The paper should be double spaced with 1″ borders. The page requirement does not include title pages, tables or diagrams, or sources/bibliography. It should be submitted in American Psychological Association (APA) format ( if you’re unfamiliar with this format, you can get information on the internet).

The topic:

Use Healthcare Quality performance improvement tools to reduce the instances of Immediate-Use-Steam-Sterilization (IUSS) events in an operating room. IUSS events occur when a surgical instrument is needed for a procedure but there is not enough time to sterilize the item using the traditional (and best practice) method. The risks associated with an IUSS event is that it signals a delay of surgery and could contribute to a higher likelihood of surgical site infections. Due to these reasons, from a patient safety perspective, a reduction in IUSS events could reduce the likelihood of infection rates.

Writing Homework Help

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