Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Powerpoint presentation: (10 to 15 slides)

Powerpoint presentation: Students will present a summary of the pertinent ethical and legal findings from one selected article. Journal Article( Improving the health of African American in the USA)


Powerpoint presentation**********************************
-Students will present a summary of the pertinent ethical and legal findings from one selected article. Journal Article( Improving the health of African American in the USA)
– Introduces ethical issues in the selected journal article that clearly states points of the discussion. Provides the title of the article selected, name of author(s), date of publication is from a peer-reviewed journal. (5 points) The article selected indicates a legal and ethical issue in nursing in the title of the article.
-The articles addresses pertinent topics such as: Professional nursing practice, malpractice, bioethics, informed consent, confidentiality laws, end of life, abortion, stem cell research, spirituality, transgender, organ donations, fraternization, Medicare/insurance fraud, mandated reporting (abuse), cultural sensitivity/humility, and impaired healthcare providers. Evidence of critical thinking, synthesis and analysis throughout the presentation (10 points)
(Powerpoint of 10)

The sources should be latest (from 2016 to 2020)

Writing Homework Help

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