Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Digital Convergence Paper

This semester has emphasized the struggle and disruption that new technologies and the media [r]evolution have caused to traditional forms of media.

Here at Rider University, The Bronc 107.7FM radio station can be viewed as a traditional form of mass media: it was launched in 1962; it is broadcast on air; its on-the-air broadcast relies largely on a one-way channel of communication (instead of two-way); it relies on traditional, radio advertisements as part of a traditional media business model.

However, it is not the same as 1962, and shows some impact of the 21st century media [r]evolution:

It has a website: Link (Links to an external site.)

It has social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

It sometimes features online advertisements:

In this final assignment, you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned and demonstrate an understanding of the digital media [r]evolution concepts and practices.

For this assignment consider the various topics that we discussed during the semester, and use The Bronc as a specific case study that illustrates media [r]evolution concepts that have been embraced, or illustrates future opportunities for the university radio station to better adapt to the media [r]evolution.

To successfully complete this last assignment, you must study The Bronc’s website and social media channels. Think about everything you’ve read and learned from the textbook, our online discussions and the prior assignments. Then, complete the following two components:

1. Write a media analysis paper. The paper should be should be a minimum of 1000 words to a maximum of 3000 words. In the paper, introduce the topic and explain how The Bronc case study does OR does not demonstrate some of these aspects of the media [r]evolution: use of new technology; forums for participatory culture; social organization/use of social media; the future of journalism; future business models. You may focus on a single aspect, or look at two or more — it is up to you. In addition, you should think creatively and provide recommendations regarding how The Bronc could more fully adapt to and embrace the media [r]evolution.


Written Media Analysis (50 points)

 Discusses the general topic and The Bronc case study.

 Uses specific observations from close study of The Bronc’s website and social media channels.

 Explains how the case does OR does not demonstrate aspects of the media [r]evolution.

 Uses at least two references to support your explanation.

 Includes creative recommendations regarding how The Bronc could more fully adapt to and embrace the media [r]evolution.

 Has been carefully proofread for spelling, grammar.

 Minimum of 1000 words to a maximum of 3000 words

Writing Homework Help

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