Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Harry Potter, Education Theory, & Analysis

Directions are detailed below.
However, before you read them it is important to note you must have
knowledge of at least three harry potter books and know that I want to
become an English Teacher. Please choose a theory that revolves around
education. If you have any questions about the assignment you must ask
them within 2 hours of being assigned because I will be busy later.
I expect quality work, if you are unable to do that do not bid. need alot of analysis.


and pick a theory that is widely acknowledged as an English Major. You

will research that theory, the theorist(s) who came up with it, provide

background in how it applies in the field, and then apply it to the

Harry Potter universe. For example, if your chosen field were education

(you want to be a teacher), you would research theories in education. In

your research, you come across Bloom’s Taxonomy. Upon further research

and analysis, you realize you can apply this theory to the instructional

methods of the teachers at Hogwarts. You then do research on Bloom (not

his life story, but just the relevant parts in terms of how he came up

with his theory), his theory, how it is applied in the real world, and

then provide analysis on how it can apply to Harry Potter

4-no max pages.
4-6 scholarly, secondary sources.
At least 3 of the Harry Potter books.
MLA Format.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO, BUT for organizational purposes, you may want to use subheadings to section your essay off. For example:
Introduction: This is where you introduce the paper and provide a thesis
Theorist: Dr. Benjamin Bloom
Theory: Bloom’s Taxonomy
Application in the Real World
Application in the Harry Potter Universe
Conclusion: wrap up your paper and provide food for thought


WANT YOU TO FOCUS ON QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY. Make sure you provide lots

of analysis! Push yourself to keep thinking to the next level.


don’t have to use subheadings if you don’t want to. INSTEAD, you can

start your paper by introducing the theory, theorist (not a life story,

but anything relevant to how and when this person came up with the

theory), and how the theory is applied in the muggle world (our real

world…not the muggle world in the books). You can end your intro with

applying the theory on the HP world as your thesis. Make sure your

thesis is more than just “This theory can be applied to HP.” Instead,

explain why it matters that the theory applies, the benefits of applying

the theory, the effect of applying the theory, the reason for applying

the theory, or the outcome of applying the theory. You don’t need to

address all these parts, but make sure you do address more than just

applying the theory. The body paragraphs should then be all about

proving your thesis.

Use the “Riddle Me This” article to help

guide you. If you want to include sub theories that relate and can apply

to proving your thesis, like Bell does in his “Riddle Me This” article,

you may. However, make sure that you mostly focus on the main theory

you are applying.

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