Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Write a response to articles related to school finance

A. Please read the short articles related to school finance that in the attached file.

The articles titles below:

1. What’s Behind the Mediocre Scores On School Finance Report

2. Equity in Funding: More Than Just Dollars

3. States Squeezed by Fiscal Pressures, Political Rifts in Financing Education

B. write a response (one and a half pages), identify and discuss the following in your best APA:

1. Identify at least 3 “Big Rocks”, important points and/or “Ahas! (Why are they important to your learning?)

2. Find and discuss at least 3 confirmations of your learning this semester that the reading(s) provide(s) specific evidence of support

3. Form at least 3 questions that the readings may not have answered for you which may be important to future policy and litigation.

Writing Homework Help

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