Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. To analyze the effectiveness of one of the arguments in the book: Empire of Illusion. Comment on and analyze a single point in the book, and supplement the author’s argument from multiple perspectives, including your own thoughts and at least three reason

Thesis Statement Requirement:

  • You must have a clearly stated, one sentence, argumentative thesis statement that states:
    • Your topic (the ONE specific argument you are analyzing—you are not writing about the entire book)
    • Your specific argument (how effective or ineffective you believe Hedges’ argument is)
    • Three reasons that support why the argument is either effective or ineffective:
      • Based on what you learned about making arguments in Writing Logically, Thinking Critically, what does Hedges do or fail to do that makes the argument ultimately effective or not.
  • Examples:
    • Hedges’ argument that the entertainment industry dilutes American public discourse and discourages critical thought is ineffective because he fails to account for the growing popularity of media that encourages and requires critical thinking.
    • While Hedges’ ardent critique of positive psychology may be cogent in its essence, it is ineffective in that it leans too heavily upon multiple logical fallacies, most glaringly the extensive use of epithets and false analogies.
    • Hedges’ argument that positive psychology is used by corporate culture to suppress critical thinking, moral autonomy, and real relationships to establish conformity is unconvincing due to his use of equivocation, false analogy, and abstract language.

Essay Requirements:

  • Each body paragraph must start with a topic sentence that tells readers what that paragraph will develop/cover (should pertain to your thesis statement).
  • Each body paragraph should start and end with your thoughts – never research.
  • A body paragraph should range between five and eight sentences – it should never be a page in length.
  • Not only will you include research in your paper, but you must explain, analyze, and comment on each quote, summary, or paraphrase you incorporate into your essay – your critical thinking!
    • AXES:
      • Assertions – statements which present points of view.
      • eXamples – specific passages, scenes, events, or items which inspire these points of view.
      • Explanations – statements which reveal how the examples support and/or complicate the assertions.
      • Significance – statements which reveal the importance of the analysis to our personal and/or cultural concerns.
  • You will never include research without analyzing it.
  • You will always need to show readers how or why your analysis is significant.
  • Your conclusion should not merely function as a summary of your entire essay.
  • You are required to use proper MLA 8th edition format for both in-text citations and a works cited page.
  • You will not receive credit if you do not follow MLA citation guidelines.
  • If you plagiarize ANY part of the essay, you will not receive credit.
  • Must include a minimum of 2 acceptable outside sources (NEVER Wikipedia)

Writing Homework Help

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