Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Psychology magazine article about ‘Echolocation’

You are required to write a magazine article that will be published in a psychology magazine designed for general audiences (that is, anyone who is interested in reading about psychology). The magazine editor has asked for a piece that explains the use of echolocation, or other auditory compensatory measures, in people with visual impairments. While the context is around echolocation, you may also write more broadly about visual impairment.

The purposes of this task are to:

  1. Consolidate your knowledge of neurophysiological mechanisms of perception
  2. Apply theoretical concepts to real-world ideas
  3. Communicate academic research and complex ideas to a general audience

The article must include the following:

  • An engaging title
  • Context around the use of auditory compensation in people with visual impairment
  • Explanation of neural areas that relate to visual perception
  • Explanation of the differences in neurology in people with and without visual impairment
  • Appropriate reference to academic literature. All statements of information, should be cited,
  • Design (e.g. images, colour, and layout) appropriate to your choice of presentation. This does not need to be extensive. It is possible to do well in this criterion without using images, colour, or complicated layouts. However, it should look different to a document of plain text.
  • Language appropriate to a general audience. Jargon should be limited, but if it is used, it should be explained.
  • A word count

The article may include the following:

  • The use of a fictional interviewee, though be sure to limit use of quotes. Any quotes or experiences of the fictional interviewee should reflect the research you have conducted.
  • A focus on a type of “visual” perception, such as identifying objects or measuring distance
  • Explanation of the difference in neurological processes in people with visual impairment from a young age compared to later-acquired visual impairment
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Explanation of the differences between eye-related and neurological (cortical) vision impairment
  • Relevant images with captions (and citations, if necessary)
  • Information presented in textboxes or sidebars


You may choose to present your article as a print magazine spread or a web page. For a print spread, Word or PowerPoint are good options. In Word, consider going to View–>Side-by-Side to see what your pages would look like as a spread. Your spread can be more than two pages. In Powerpoint, choose a wide-screen slide option which represents one double-page spread, or use a magazine template. For a web page, a Word document is likely to be the best option. Please submit your article in .pdf format.

The article should adhere to APA formatting guidelines for citations and references, however you may use a different, easily readable, font if you feel it is appropriate for your design, as well as other appropriate differences in layout. A running header is not needed. The word limit for this piece is 2000 words, including text in any textboxes or sidebars and subheadings, but excluding references and the title. This is a strict limit for the magazine’s editing purposes, and must not be exceeded.

Starting References

Echolocation may have real-life advantages for blind people: an analysis of survey data

Neural Correlates of Natural Human Echolocation in Early and Late Blind Echolocation Experts

Example articles

These examples are designed to give you some ideas of how you might design your articles, what features you could include, and how literature is incorporated. They do not necessarily adhere to the guidelines set for this assessment.

Web articles

Using Technology to Solve Medication Roadblocks in Psychology Today

How the Stress of Fight or Flight Turns Hair White in Nature

Eyes Hint at Hidden Mental Health Conditions in Nature

Writing Homework Help

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