Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. This assignment will help students connect the relevance of practice evaluation research to the field placement. Based on the assigned field placement agency, students will create a single-systems design case study.

Visit the Agency website to help address section 1 & 2: Agency name: The Beacon & website https://www.beaconhomeless.org/

Scroll down to the bottom of the home page and select the learn more tab to view the different services offered and programs ( Day Center, Brigid’s Hope, Beacon Law and The Way Home)


*Briefly introduce your field agency (services provided, client population served, etc)

Client population is Houston’s homeless population in general as well as sub populations tailored to each program but only one target population is needed.

*Describe a client system for your study (demographics, culture, values, social/economic support, health, etc) (Note: Review the information in the “Client System Levels” tab, and make sure this client system is reflective of the system level assigned to you by the Instructor)

INDIVIDUAL client system: This will include one individual who might come to your agency for services. Describe one, hypothetical individual (he/she/they can be based on a real client or case x that your Field Instructor discusses with you). Imagine this client were to receive services at your agency. In terms of problem identification, think about what problem this one individual might be experiencing. Your one, individual client would participate in assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

*Describe your client system strengths and weaknesses


*Discuss the main problem this client system is experiencing (chronic homelessness)

*Describe in which phase of the problem-solving/plan-change process that you discovered this was a problem

Phases of the Problem-Solving Process

Engagement – includes personal and professional preparation for the meeting; introductions and orientation to the process; review and consideration of policy and ethical factors; and activities directed toward understanding the nature of the presenting problem and identifying a preliminary goal.

Assessment – includes activities directed toward more complete and thorough mutual understanding of the nature, extent, severity, and development of the problem and prior attempts at problem-solving within the context of client lives and circumstances.

Intervention – includes the collaborative development of the service plan during the assessment process which comprises of an action plan for implementation by the client-and-worker during the intervention phase.

Evaluation – includes activities directed toward considering the nature, process, and outcomes of the collaborative work toward problem resolution and goal attainment. Also includes a planned process of disengagement through which clients and workers may conclude their work together and say their goodbyes.

*Describe the breadth and depth of the problem and the impact on client system functioning (breadth= what/who is being affected; depth= the severity/magnitude of impact)

Writing Homework Help

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