Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. anthropology 145-04

Need full 2 page essay, around 650 words.

For this week’s lab, review the biological concept of biome using the web sources listed under Week 6 Lab (5).

https://www2.palomar.edu/users/warmstrong/biomes.htm (if you can’t open this website, check the attached file, there are biological concept )

Do this in conjunction with your reading in Chapter 6 of your text. Read the instructions carefully and completely.

First: Write about the concept in general terms and consider how such information and patterning is useful to archaeologists. Consider in what ways resource and environmental characteristics in each biome would affect archaeological sites, including such things as the likelihood of sites being preserved, how easily it would be to find sites, and the potential of such sites to provide evidence of past human occupation.

Second: In order to become more familiar with North American environmental and ecological zones, review the distribution of 15 major biomes found there. Then select one of these major biomes using the weblinks for the sources listed. Consider in what ways resource and environmental characteristics in your selected biome would relate to North American archaeological sites of differing types, including 1) the kinds of archaeological sites one would expect, 2) issues related to preservation of site contents, 3) how sites can be found, 4) value for excavation and data recovery, and 5) site conservation.

Answer your LAB 5 (Week 6) questions with the information provided here and in the website: https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/….

If you use other sources, be sure to provide references and citations.

The map included under the first module link under Lab 5 is offered to provide a means to conceptualize the necessary patterns important for answering questions.

You may also look up additional information about your selected biome using reputable sources (e.g., library resources; university, museum, or government agency websites [like NPS, USGS, etc.], and journal articles; etc.).

Write 1½-2 double-spaced pages (12 font, no more than 1 line header with name, not including references) and discuss how the biome’s climate and environment might have influenced prehistoric occupants of the selected region.

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