Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Narrative Argument essay

For Essay 2 you will be writing a 2000-2500 word Narrative Argument essay that tells a story that supports a main point. You will directly state your main point in the form of a Reasoned Thesis statement in either your introduction or conclusion. You will focus your narrative on a single event or personal experience from your life or someone you know personally. You will also include at least two direction quotations in your essay from your choice of one or more essays from the They Say /I Say textbook. (link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nXN3zfNq9JISEWO5n…)

    • Bridging Our Differences (pages 209-313)
    • College Life (pages 315-419)
    • Technology and Culture (pages 421-529)
    • Gender (pages 531-619)
    • Food and Eating (pages 621-729)

Step 1: At the top of your First Draft under your heading information include the following:

  • An essay title
  • A question at issue highlighted or in bold font (you may use this question as part of the introduction to your essay but are not required to do so.

Step 2: Draft your essay:

  • Rough Draft must be at least 2000 words (not including works cited list)
  • Use the outline you developed for the Week 9 Homework and the tips and strategies in the Canvas pages Week 7: Narrative as Rhetorical Mode and Week 8: Writing a Description to help you choose and organizational structure and develop your body paragraphs.
  • For the Week 7 and Week 8 Homework, you analyzed how writers combine the use of narrative and description with signal phrases and the use of outside sources. Use what you learned to incorporate at least two direct quotations (with pages cited) from an essay (or more than one essay) from the unit in They Say / I Say that matches your topic.
  • Make sure to include a properly formatted Reasoned Thesis (see attached file) in your draft – either in the introduction or in the conclusion. Put your Reasoned Thesis in bold font or highlighting so it stands out. This will be the sentence at the heart and soul of your essay that crystalizes your main idea.
  • Include a Works Cited list at the end of the draft with a complete reference for the source our sources referenced in your essay. Use MLA Citation style (Links to an external site.).

Writing Homework Help

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