Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Should the U. S. Adopt a Single-Price Health Care? – Discussion Post 150-200 words

Hello, this is a discussion post.

Should the U. S. Adopt a Single-Price Health Care?

Health care in America is under constant scrutiny. Costs continually rise for such things as medications, treatments, hospitalizations, and routine medical appointments. Yet, it is commonly known that the U.S. continues to lag behind other nations in terms of our health outcomes. There is great inequity across populations and a significant number of Americans lack access to affordable health care, or struggle to afford health care even with insurance coverage. Many believe that we are mired in a major cost crisis that requires alternative solutions to our current health care system.

Instructions for this Discussion Forum:

1. Read the issue entitled, Should the U.S. adopt a single-price health care? (Textbook pages 2-12).

2. Determine which side you identify with

3. Find an additional evidence based source (i.e., peer-reviewed article) that supports your views on the topic and review it carefully.

4. In your post of 150 – 200 words:

  • Identify the main issue of the discussion in the textbook
  • Summarize the opposing viewpoints put forth by the authors
  • Take a stand – Identify your position on the topic (clearly; no fence-sitting!)
  • Support your arguments with the information you read in the text and the outside evidence you found

  1. Required Textbooks:
    1. Daniel, E.L. (2020). Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Health and Society (14th ed.).

    Dubuque, IA. McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series. ISBN: 9781260579819

Module 1

Should the U. S. Adopt a Single-Price Health Care?

Required Readings

  • Textbook: Introduction (xiii – xv) – to give an overview of the context of the readings for the course
  • Textbook: Chapter 1 Should the U. S. Adopt a Single-Price Health Care? (Pages 2-12)
  • A Peer-Reviewed journal article to review to support your discussion points
  • Consider searching for supplemental readings to help inform your work for all modules in this course. As you might guess, there are numerous resources on the topics easily accessed online or from the Library website.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: be sure that you use the APA (7th Edition) Basics Guidelines to help with your citations and references. There are a variety of sources that you will need to cite and reference in this forum and in all assignments and forums throughout the course. The HSA Program and this course follow APA 7th Edition for all course work. See the Course Resources or the SPC Library website for relevant resources.

Writing Homework Help

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