Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Constructivist Approach to Early Childhood Science and Social Studies Education

Things to note:

– Only bid if you are familiar with constructivist theory AND early childhood education!
– APA format
– Only 3500 words
– Textbook and study guide given, but need to outsource other references


Constructivist theory: Teacher as a facilitator, child as active learners, active builders etc

Traditional approach: Teacher-directed; teacher instruct, children merely follow.


Question 1

a) Discuss how a constructivist approach to early childhood science education is different from a traditional approach for EACH of the three areas of science covered:

How can I make it move? – Physics
How can I make it change? – Chemistry
How do I fit? – Biology/Ecology

b) For TWO (2) of the three areas:
Describe a specific example from your placement where you have seen children engaged in either a planned or spontaneous activity for each of the two areas you are focusing on (you may make up specific scenarios).

Discuss how this example reflects (or does not reflect) a constructivist approach.

Question 2

In this course, we have discussed three elements of social studies that can be addressed in early childhood programmes from a constructivist perspective:

  • The Child’s World
  • Young Children and Global Understanding
  • Young Children and Issues of Social Responsibility and Social Justice

    a) Briefly describe TWO (2) of these elements. Discuss TWO (2) ways you could approach each of them as a social constructivist teacher and compare and contrast this with how a traditional teacher would approach them.

    b) For each of the two elements in (a), illustrate specific examples of how you could connect and integrate science in a meaningful way.

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