Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. urgent! NO CODING IS INVOLVED

I wrote an algorithm for the ‘max sub array problem’ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_subarray_problem) I need to also write a proof for this algorithm but am unsure of how to do this. The proof does not need to be overly complex just needs to be logically correct.I have provided the pseudocode and the code for the algorithm I wrote. Both work, just need to do proof. ***Please only offer if you are indeed able to write this proof.*** **NO CODING IS INVOLVED** I’m not sure why such large amounts are being offered. This is supposed to be a small part of the assignment. I’ve already done the large part(the coding) If you know what you are doing this question should not take you long. Just needs to be one quick proof(written or typed)

Write Proof for given algorithm following reference if necessary. THE PROOF DOES NOT NEED TO BE AS LONG AS THE REFERENCE PROBLEMS Reference problems: http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~dlanman/courses/cs157…

Writing Homework Help

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