Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Multicultural Literature

Multicultural Literature

As the diversity of our nation increases, so will the diversity in our classrooms. One way that teachers can help to ensure their students understand the different cultures around them is through literature. Section 2.4 of our textbook lists the following guidelines for evaluating diversity in children’s books:

  • Accurate representation of cultural specifics
  • Avoidance of stereotypes
  • Achievement
  • Author/illustrator
  • Copyright date
  • Sensibility


Using the guidelines listed above and your textbook, choose a multicultural piece of literature to evaluate. Explain and justify whether each guideline is addressed in the book. If the guideline is not addressed, share how you think the book could be modified to include all of the guidelines for evaluating diversity in children’s books. If you need extra support with understanding the guidelines shared in the text, make sure to read this week’s guidance.

Additional Article: Clegg, L. B., Miller, E., Vanderhoof, B., Ramirez, G., & Ford, P. K. (n.d.). How to choose the best multicultural books (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Scholastic Instructor. Retrieved from http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/how-cho…

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