Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ASSIGNMENT 7: Mid-Term Resposne

Below are the guidelines to the mid-term response, in several sections.

1. SCREENINGS: Select several of the in-class screenings from Weeks 1-7 to discuss, positively or negatively; how did they impact or challenge your sense of the photographic? Re-asses your responses from the initial queries; how have the screenings (and the artifacts in section 2. below) impacted or reframed your assumptions and experiences of photographic, if at all?

How might they have made different or perhaps more constructive use of the photographic?

Are there artifacts (photo books, articles, links to websites, etc) from the modules that speak to the screening items you are discussing (beyond those I’ve posted for each screening session)?

How do your image assignments in the last month relate or speak to your screening selections, if applicable? Are there photo books, social media accounts, websites beyond those in the modules that open up a dialogue with your screening selections?

You are welcome to select screenshots from the discussed screenings to illustrate your observations.

2. ARTIFACTS: For each of first 7 weeks, select at least two artifacts from the relevant modules to briefly discuss/explore (at least 14); you can select from the general Modules (Weeks 1/2/3; Weeks 4/5/6/7) or the items (books & pdfs) in the Course Reserves (many pdfs are in the modules too) as well as the select pages under each screening week that offer additional links and references.

Why/What motivated your selection? If it has a connection to screenings you discussed, you can reiterate those connections here too.

3. CREATIVE PROJECT(s) Proposal(s): Briefly outline a creative project you may like to develop, in some scale, over the second half of the semester. This can be an image-based shoot or compilation/sequencing; a research project involving the photographic, e.g. particular exhibit, photographer, movement, photo book, archive; a development of one of earlier (or later) assignments; or, of course, an idea of your own creation. I’ll offer some suggestions to ponder over the weekend.

Finally, what has been useful, so far, in your experience of our course & topic? What, in the second half of the semester, would you like to see & explore? Are there any areas you would prefer to focus upon, perhaps themes/topics you feel we’ve neglected? And, in a general sense, do you find these screenings about the photographic a useful approach to further think about the (still) photograph, the photographer, and the concept & practice of image-taking/image-making?

In all, look for around 6-9 pages, though you are welcome to expand upon this.

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