Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. deadly police shooting that created racial controversy

choose a recent deadly police shooting that created racial controversy. Explain the facts of the case, the outcome and the issues that surrounded the case that contributed to the controversy. Rely on all readings, websites and lecture notes to apply theoretical contributing factors as to why such incidents take place.

  • Select ONE theory that could be used to explain the behavior. Do not try applying more than one theory for a short paper.
  • Briefly summarize the theory – show me that you understand the theory you are attempting to apply.
  • Provide at least 2 examples of how the theory applies to the case you selected. This should be presented as a separate paragraph for each distinct element of the theory you are applying.
  • Keep in mind that this is not an opinion based assignment, however, a researched based essay.

5 pages long or more. APA format, use at least 5 sources and include this book as one of the sources (https://www.amazon.com/Color-Justice-Ethnicity-Crime-America/dp/1337091863)

Writing Homework Help

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