Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 2 Gradaute Application Essay Help

I need help alter my Master program application essay for Real Estate and Enterprise Risk Management (more requirements).

I have written an essay for Master of Finance program based on my past internship experience, but I am also aiming for Master of Enterprise Risk Management.

I will provide my Resume and my essay of Master of Finance application after your accepting the bid.

a. Statement of Purpose (Master of Real Estate)

As part of our evaluation of your candidacy, the Admissions Committee requires a sample of writing as an indication of how your intended program of study relates to your goals.

Please develop an essay of no shorter than 500 words (typed, double-spaced) that discusses your professional goals and addresses each of the following questions: Why is this Graduate program right for you, both academically and professionally? What might you contribute to the program, both as a student and afterwards?

b. Statement of Purpose (Master of Enterprise Risk Management)

The statement of academic purpose should discuss:

• Your purpose and interest in pursuing the Enterprise Risk Management program

• The specific skills and attributes you will bring to the program

• Your current role

How this program will help you achieve your career goals

  • As part of our evaluation of your candidacy, the Admissions Committee requires a sample of writing as an indication of how your intended program of study relates to your goals.
  • Please develop an essay of no shorter than 500 words (typed, double-spaced) that discusses your professional goals and addresses each of the following questions: Why is this Graduate program right for you, both academically and professionally? What might you contribute to the program, both as a student and afterwards?

Writing Homework Help

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