Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ASSIGNMENT: Cultural Informative Speech

Culture…the final frontier. A vast interwoven terrain of stories, traditions, symbols and objects. As we move deeper into the 21st century our knowledge of the various cultures which inform this immense life-tapestry must be presented for those who do not know, those who wish to know, and for those who think they know but really don’t know. You know?

The Assignment

  • Describe a culture that you identify with. Your culture need not be constrained to ethnicity or country of origin, however those are completely acceptable topic areas for the assignment. When discussing your culture, think of the different elements that compose culture such as the people (special roles, positions in the culture, characters), the traditions (holidays and rites of passage), the objects and artifacts (clothing, food, symbols),
  • This speech will execute the responsibilities of the Introduction/Main Point/Conclusion format.
  • 4 minutes with 8 images slides using a 30-second auto run format
  • An outline will be submitted with this assignment.

Outlines must follow these guidelines:

  1. 12 point, Times New Roman Font, single-spaced, with 1-inch margins
  2. Introduction & conclusion are written out in full with the three parts of each segments correctly labeled (see sample)
  3. The body of message uses a full-sentence outline format, meaning that all main points and subpoints are written using 1 full, grammatically correct sentence each. No multiple sentencing. No fragments sentences or keywords.

A successful speech will follow the above instruction as well as adhere to the following elements:

  • Will clearly describe the culture and its significance
  • Will utilize (and improve upon) your newfound delivery and organization skills in order to create a dynamic and captivating speech.
  • Will not slander, libel, insult, degrade or in any way marginalize members from a particular race, creed, religion, or sex.
  • Has been practiced so that the speaker is not stumbling, stopping & starting, searching for words etc.
  • Exudes an appropriate amount of enthusiasm and energy regarding the speaker’s culture.


  • Outline rough draft–10 pts
  • Outline final draft–15 pts
  • Culture Speech–100 pts.

This is what I wrote for my outline so far. Please correct it to be an actual outline and write informative speech for me with this topic.

Outline: Korean Culture

First of all, I will talk about Korea’s cultural background history. Korea is located between China and Japan, and it is the reason why Korea had been suffering many invasions from China and Japan as well. Korea was ruled by the Chinese for several hundred years in the early centuries AD . During this time, China established a lasting influence on Korean culture, especially through its language.

In 1876 the Kanghwa (city of Korea) treaty opened Korea to Japan and to the West. After many wars, Korea was taken over by Japan, which brutally ruled it from 1910 to 1945. During this period, Koreans were treated terribly by the Japanese. Women were kidnapped and used as sex slaves, and many innocent people were horribly murdered. However, thanks to Korean independence activists who devoted themselves to Korea, Korea was able to become independent country on 1945.

In addition, after Japanese colonial period, The United States supported the South, the Soviet Union supported the North, and each government claimed sovereignty over the whole Korean peninsula. In 1950, after years of mutual hostilities, North Korea invaded South Korea in an attempt to re-unify the peninsula under its communist rule, and it is called as Korean War. Due to Korean War, the Korean peninsula was divided into two countries.

Therefore, young men are subject to compulsory military service regardless of the reason in South Korea, currently the only nation still divided by ideology on the globe.

Moreover, the fact that Koreans had to overcome many hardships made Koreans work so hard and take on bold challenges to turn the poorest country in the world into one of the world’s largest economies.

For example, many people use Samsung product nowadays, and Samsung is Korea’s one of the largest companies.

Furthermore, In Korea, we honor our older people by paying them with great respect, because we strongly believed that being respectful is the key to bond in unity to overcome hardships which I mentioned above. In the U.S, older people are not as respected as the youth.Koreans use different words and behavior when they greet a person who is older than themselves. However, in the U.S. I can say “Hi” to my friends and also my professors. In Korea, we bow to older people when we encounter them as a greeting. As a result, when I encountered my professor on the street, I said “hello” with bowing.

I talked about Korea’s cultural background, customs, and behaviors what Koreans have. Without explaining the pain, I can’t describe Korea. Hopefully this context helps you understand about Korea.

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