Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Your response should be 300-400 words (minimum).

Discussion board on trade wars and tariffs – Group 8

Pre-Discussion Resources


In March of 2018, President Trump declared that “trade wars are good, and easy to win.” (President Trump’s tweet from March 2, 2018). The U.S. government imposed tariffs on imported goods from China. China responded by placing tariffs on US goods coming into China. After reviewing the readings and videos in this assignment and in the previous pages of this module, please respond to the following questions:

What are the effects of the trade war on the economy of the United States and the U.S. Consumers?

What is the impact on China?

What is the impact on other countries?

Should President Biden continue with trade wars?

Submission Requirements

Your response should be 300-400 words (minimum). It should include each question from the section above with your answers following each question. Please separate each answer by numbering them. To support your main arguments, your answers should include direct quotes and examples from all of the assigned readings and the video (from the “Pre-discussion Resources” section). Include your bibliography at the end of your submission. This part of the assignment is due by April 15, 11:59 pm. After you submit your post, please engage in a meaningful discussion with at least two members of your group by responding to their posts (50 words each). This part of the assignment is due by April 18, 11:59 pm.

Grading Rubric

  • 10 points – responded in a thoughtful manner to the posed questions (300-400 words minimum).
  • 5 points – commented on at least two posts by members of the group (50 words each) and engaged in a meaningful discussion with these classmates.
  • 5 points – included direct quotes and examples from all of the assigned readings/video (with proper in-text citation for each quote).
  • 5 points – The submission has proper formatting – each question is followed by an answer.
  • 5 points – the essay is written in a clear language with no spelling or grammatical errors
  • 5 points – included bibliography

Writing Homework Help

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