Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Web Design and Architecture Discussion Response

I’ve provided 2 discussions that need to be responded separately.



Three concepts learned from the video:

1.Difference between summary and paraphrase

A summary is a process of shortening the information presented in a source to give a brief idea about the source whereas, a paraphrase is using someone else’s idea in your own words to present your argument.

2.Use of quotation

When you take information from a research paper and intend to use it as it is, it is important to denote that part using quotations. If not, you will be committing plagiarism.

3.Information about a source in the citation

  • Last name of the author
  • Year of publication
  • Page number.

2-)The video discusses many elements of APA formatting and citations. One of the elements Scott (2016) describes, is the importance of making sure parenthetical citations are in the correct sentence. The punctuation mark should follow the parenthetical citation

A second important element to remember is that one needs to cite more than just copied and pasted quotations from the text. When writing one also needs to provide citations when paraphrasing information from someone else’s work.

Lastly, when citing a source, one should also consider the quality of the source. Blogs and opinion articles are great for exploring a subject, but most likely they are not reliable sources that have been reviewed and scrutinized by other respected professionals in the field before being published. Wikipedia is a source that you can used for general research and is a good starting point to get ideas flowing, but it is not a trusted source (Scott, 2016). Anyone can edit Wikipedia and people take advantage of this from time to time. Therefore, Wikipedia should not be sighted as a scholarly source.

Writing Homework Help

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