Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. illicit fentanyl research paper and mini presentation

There is a proposal to base the report on, I do not expect a perfect written report (although needs to be error free, grammatically correct, formatted perfectly, and given alot of extra thought into a savory written report.) Better researched sources. cover letter title page and all that jazz shown in the attachment of poorly written directions, attaching audio of voice of how she also exactly want it

Report Assignment Identify an existing problem in your field of study or interest. Explain what the problem is, who it impacts, how it impacts this segment of the population (which you identified), why this problem is significant, and what the financial implications associated with it are. Once you analyze the problem you will have to research and propose a possible solution, and show how your solution makes sense and is an efficient and cost-effective answer to the problem. You will need to anticipate objections and complications, and to incorporate answers to questions readers will likely raise. The formal report must include the following items: transmittal letter or memo title page (which you must design) abstract table of contents executive summary  visual aid (at least one) works cited page (apa) bibliographyThe report must utilize at least six credible outside sources peer reviewed sources (credible internet sources, trade journals, books or publications from the library, publications from government agencies, professional publications, etc.). Much of this work should have been done throughout the semester (via the eight summaries). The report should include internal heading and use appropriate formatting (margins, font, font size, spacing, etc.). The report will be graded on research/content (information gathered and logic applied), format/parts (professional look and adherence to instructions), writing (clarity, coherence, and correctness). The report must be a minimum of five pages, which does not include the front matter, executive summary, works cited, and back matter.PresentationsAs part of this project you will give a short 5-10 minute presentation on your report. You should have at least 5 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation, and should be prepared to answer questions.

some sources to use

Krenzelok, Edward P. “Abuse of fentanyl derivatives: history repeating itself.” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 74, no. 8, 2017, p. 556. Health Reference Center Academic, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A490768327/HRCA?u=csunorthridge&sid=HRCA&xid=cb985564. Accessed 20 Nov. 2018.

Creppage, K. E., Yohannan, J., Williams, K., Buchanich, J. M., Songer, T. J., Wisniewski, S. R., & Fabio, A. (2018). The Rapid Escalation of Fentanyl in Illicit Drug Evidence in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 2010-2016. Public Health Reports, 133(2), 142–146. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033354917753119

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