Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Word document report of portfolio

In addition to your analyses, the way you prepare and present the report is also important. I am
offering a few suggestions here for writing a concise report that covers all aspects. Please keep
in mind that these are just my “suggestions”; you are not required to stick to this format. If you
think you can present your work in a better way, feel free to use a different format.

The report should be “professional-looking”. Think about how you would present the report if
you are an analyst at a company and you are asked to write a report based on your analysis.

Have a cover page with title, class, your names, and date
Break the report into sections such as

  •  Introduction – Here you should briefly discuss what the purpose of the project is.
  •  Stock Selection and Portfolio – What stocks you selected and why; what are the
    characteristics of your resulting portfolio (diversified, etc.). You will include any
    analysis you did to pick your stocks in here. You should try to relate your analysis to
    the concepts learned in class, but also feel free to add any insights you gleaned/used
    during your stock research. You can include simple graphs within the report, but if
    you have a lots of graphs, excel sheets, etc., consider using an Appendix.
  •  Performance – Discuss how your portfolio performed. You can include risk measures
    such as beta of stocks, talk about risk-adjusted performance and performance relative
    to the market portfolio, etc. Try to summarize results in tables, if possible.
  •  Conclusion – You will provide a brief conclusion. The most important thing in this
    section is to talk about what you learned from the project and what you would do
    differently if were to do this again (may be in real life with actual money).
  •  References – Include any references to books, news articles, websites, etc. after the

Overall, you should prepare a concise, professionally-written, and easy-to-read report (choose
1.5 or double spacing with 1 inch margins, and avoid grammatical errors). There is no page
limit, but your report should cover all the aspects and should be concise at the same time.

Use the powerpoint to help with doing the report.

Writing Homework Help

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