Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Psychology Discussion 2 answers

Here’s the discussion: 100 words minimum

Mr. Yamaguchi makes an appointment with a therapist because his supervisor at work suggested he get some counseling. Mr. Yamaguchi did not speak up at a group meeting designed for team-building. When it came time for Mr. Yamaguchi to talk about his family and some issues they faced, he refused to participate.

The therapist attempts to establish rapport, but Mr. Yamaguchi does not freely speak up in therapy. After a few sessions, the therapist is concerned that Mr. Yamaguchi may have a severe psychological disorder and refers him to a more experienced therapist. The more experienced therapist releases Mr. Yamaguchi from treatment after two sessions. What happened?


here’s one of my classmates answer that we need to reply to: 100 words minimum

“The issue with this scenario is that the the supervisor is asking Mr Yamaguchi to share private information in a public forum. He also was asked by his supervisor to make an appointment for a therapy session when he has no authority to make this time of recommendation. Also, the first therapist, with little information, escalates his concerns with no true evidence of what Mr Yamaguchi is struggling with. Unfortunately it sounds like too many individuals are trying to get information out of someone that does not want to be participating in therapy at this time. Not everyone is comfortable with being vulnerable outside their close group of family and friends. You can’t force someone to actively participate in therapy.”

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