Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. hum111 week 10 discussion response L.H.

Respond to this post in 150 words or more agreeing, disagreeing, or giving an opinion.

I chose this section from the text:

Yet I, A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak

Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause

And can say nothing-no, not for a king,

Upon whose property and most dear life

A damn’d defeat was made

I sympathized with Hamlet because he was struggling trying to determine what was real and what was not and what action to take if any. He then decided to write a play about his father’s death, for his uncle to see. He wanted to see his uncle’s reaction to decide what action to take. If his uncle reacted in a way that proved to Hamlet that he did kill his father then Hamlet would know it was true and would kill the uncle.

I’m Hilary Clinton and just lost the election.

I’m sitting here the night of the election and in such shock that I lost to a man who is a bully, a liar, and no political experience. I have spent my life helping people and children; have extensive experience in the political world and cannot except the fact that this is how it is going to end for me. What could I have done differently?

Writing Homework Help

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