Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Politics and The Law. The Health Care System. Economics of Health Care.

Politics and The Law

The Health Care System

Economics of Health Care

Read chapter 10, 11 & 12 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done answer the following questions;

  1. Discuss the power of nursing to influence and change health policy.
  2. Mention and discuss current health policy issues.
  3. Describe and discuss the organization of the public health care system at the federal, state and local levels.
  4. Analyze the influence of socio-cultural, political, economic, ethical and religious factors that influence the health and culturally diverse individuals, groups, and communities.

Please present your assignment Word document, 12 Arial font, APA style.

Turnitin Assignment, it will be checked for plagiarism.

A minimum of 3 references (excluding the class textbook) no older than 5 years must be used. If you use the textbook as a reference will not be counted. Every reference that you present in your assignment must be quoted in the assignment.

Besides answering the questions, add Introduction and Conclusions (3 paragraphs each), regarding the 3 chapters analyzed this week.

A minimum of 700 words are required (not counting first, introduction, conclusions, and reference page).

Writing Homework Help

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