Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Watch 6min video. Write Feedback

Watch a 6minute video of a team pitching their business idea and provide a feedback about 100 words. I have provided 2 feedback examples of other students that provided a feedback to this video.



“You guys did a great job with your pitch. Also nice job incorporating your costumer interviews as well. I really like how you guys broke down the cost of the product and compared it to existing products on the market, it gave a great visual. One thing that concerns me is how much bulk is the UV cleaning light going to add to the knife block. If every slot has a UV light to clean it I could see it getting bulky quick. A model or something to visually see would be nice so we could actually see what it would look like. Overall great job!”


“You did a good job with your pitch guys. You explained it clearly and you incoporated your customer interviews very well also. I just don’t understand how much UV lights you need to clean the block. Maybe if we can have a model to see to what it would look like. Otherwise, it is a great job!”

Writing Homework Help

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