Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Begin planning for your draft by analyzing your audience through an audience profile sheet. its 3 parts

  1. Review the “Determining the Important Characteristics of Your Audience” and “Techniques for Learning About Your Audience” section in Chapter 5 of Technical Communication, pages 89-96.
  2. Begin planning for your draft by analyzing your audience through an audience profile sheet. In the Recommendation Report, you will write for an audience that has the power to enact the recommendations you are proposing. That could be the mayor of Houston, the county executive, the governor, or anyone else with the power to make changes. (If you are having trouble figuring out who your audience for the report could be, please reach out, and we can talk about possibilities.)

    To begin analyzing your audience, you will conduct an audience profile sheet similar to the one on page 88 in Technical Communication. Fill out information for each of the categories listed on the sample sheet on page 88; if a category does not apply to your reader, then you can write “N/A.”

Writing Homework Help

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