Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Network requirement analysis and plan

Please go through pdf for full assignment description 1000-1500 word.

Network requirements

1. Two campuses have separate local area networks. Staff users from two campuses should be capable

of accessing other campuses.

2. There should be clear restriction of Lab (students) host not capable of pinging any office (staff) hosts.

3. Printing services should be available to all the schools users.

4. Wireless access is available to all the staff and student and guest as well on both campuses.

5. Internet should be provided to all the sections.

6. IP network design is required

7. Hardware requirements with costs specification.

8. Configuration details on the hardware (Routers, switches and workstations).

Assignment requirements:you are required to design and simulate a network fulfilling the above

mentioned requirement. The report should have a detailed explanation of the planning and designing of

network. It is recommended that bullet points are included whenever necessary.

1. Project Scope

2. Project requirements

3. Network design – Consider the human factor design concepts

4. IP addressing in a tabular form (include justification whenever necessary)

5. Network topology diagram and simulation (CISCO Packet tracer is mandatory)

 Switch configuration

 Router configuration

 Access point and server configuration guidelines

 Security configuration

Writing Homework Help

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