Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ASTR 1010 SGC Astronomical Object the Moon the Symbol of Love Report

Choose an astronomical object and write a report on that object. The report should include the following:

1.A description of the object’s historical importance (i.e. what did ancient people think about the object.)

2. Our modern-day understanding of the object (i.e. what do we know about it today, where did it come from, how was it formed, what will happen to it in the future)

3. The history of the object’s name. Is it named after figures from Greek or Roman mythology if so give some history of that figure?

4.Describe any findings of satellite fly-bys and/or robotic missions we have sent there or what missions are planned to go there.

5. What are the interesting geological or atmospheric properties? Some objects may not need all five of these. You can decide what to emphasize.

The report will be at least three full typed pages long (not including the title and your name) double-spaced with a 12 pt times New Roman font. You will need to use standard margins. You will need to list your sources of information which must include at minimum two non-internet sources (i.e. books or magazines not including your textbook). Any will result in a zero. If two people turn in the same report (i.e. if a majority of the writing is the same) both people will get zeros

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