Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Lindenwood University Deeper Dimensions of the Blue River Questions

Use the cross section from A-A’ to describe the shallow and deeper aquifers. Your answer should include the approximate dimensions of each aquifer (length and width from the map and thickness from the cross section), whether or not each is confined, and if one of the aquifers is confined, describe the thickness (or thickness range) of the confining unit. The dominant rock or sediment type should be included in the description. The granite should be mentioned but its extent and thickness are not needed. Explain how and where water recharges the deeper aquifer, the flow direction(s) in the deep aquifer, and where groundwater likely discharges from the aquifer. Clearly describe the evidence you use to reach your conclusions.

Explain how and where water recharges the deeper aquifer, the flow direction(s) in the deep aquifer, and where groundwater likely discharges from the aquifer. Clearly describe the evidence you use to reach your conclusions.

The previous hydrogeologist hypothesized that the main sources of water to the shallow aquifer are due to the Blue River losing water to the aquifer and due to groundwater flowing from the deep to shallow aquifer.Use the information provided in the Background section, the cross section, and the maps to discuss each of these possible sources of water to the shallow aquifer. In addition, your description must include groundwater flow directions in the shallow aquifer, where groundwater likely discharges from the aquifer, and how deep below sea level the freshwater/saltwater interface will be in the shallow aquifer at L City.

Your recommendations should be in paragraph form (rather than bullet points) and should address all three questions. Your answers should be wellsupported by the information. In other words, you might need to briefly highlight the most relevant material from your previous answers. a.Could the dams affect their ability to obtain their water supply from the shallow aquifer? If that is a possibility, what information would need to be collected to better assess the likely impacts. b.If Lowlandia needs more water than can be supplied by the shallow aquifer, what are the positives and negatives of pumping from the Deeper aquifer? c.What other impacts or problems in Lowlandia might be caused by the dams and urbanization in Uplandia?

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