Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Lehman Wavelength Time It Takes for One Cycle of Periodic Motion True or False

1._______An amplitude spectrum is a graph displaying amplitude as a function of time.

2._______Complex aperiodic signals can be described in terms of a fo and a series of harmonics.

3._______The /z/ sound can be described acoustically as a complex quasi-periodic and continuous complex aperiodic sound

4._______A sound wave propagated in air is an example of a longitudinal wave.

5._______Two 122 Hz sine waves are in-phase and occupy the same medium.  These two waves will add together constructively to form a complex wave having a fo of 122 Hz.

6._______A waveform is a graph that displays some variable (often amplitude) as a function of time.

7._______Two 100 Hz sine waves having peak amplitudes of 3 Volts and 4 volts are 180 degrees out of phase.  If these waves occur together in the same medium, they will cancel out, resulting in no vibration or silence.

8._______The /h/ sound, like all fricative sounds is produced in the oral cavity.

9._______The nasal sounds are so named because they are produced within the nasal cavity.

10.______Wavelength is the time it takes for one cycle of periodic motion to occur.

11.______The harmonics of low frequency complex aperiodic waveforms are spaced closer together than for high frequency complex aperiodic signals.

12.______ The frequency of vibration will be determined by an object’s mass and stiffness.

13.______In simple harmonic motion, the frequency of vibration increases as mass decreases and elasticity increases.

14.______Areas in which air molecules are more widely dispersed are known as areas of rarefaction.

15.______The /v/ sound will have a combined spectrum, that is, both a line spectrum and a continuous spectrum

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