Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Question on VX

VX (or “venomous agent X”) is a chemical warfare (CW) nerve agent that can irreversibly react with the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Here is its chemical structure.

[see attached PDF – first diagram from top]

The enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis to acetate and choline of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Hence VX inhibits the control of acetylcholinesterase over the central nervous system.

[see attached PDF – second diagram from top]

Acetylcholinesterase contains two active sites. The anionic site accommodates the positive quaternary amine of acetylcholine and contains aromatic amino acids. The esteratic site contains three amino acids, a serine, histidine and glutamate.

As of 1999 there were two known V-agent stockpiles, one in the US and one in Russia. A single drop of it is enough to kill a human being; thousands of tons of VX were stocked in the US only. Assume that you are a chemist/chemical engineer at the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, who is charged with the destruction of the stockpile of VX in accordance with The Chemical Weapon Convention Treaty.

In your answer, please consider at least two of the following characteristics/properties of the VX molecule:

(a) Bond strengths;
(b) Intermolecular forces: solubility, volatility;
(c) Acid-base chemistry: Pearson’s principle;
(d) Redox chemistry: potential role of VX in redox reactions

Propose one or two reagents that would chemically transform VX into compounds that can be safely disposed of on land, in water, and in air. Write the corresponding chemical reactions, or describe the mechanism of destruction of the VX molecule with the reagents of choice.

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