Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. pick a disease of your choice and write about it using the rubric provided.

Based Presentation Keep it Current: use the most current references no more than 5 years old

A brief statement that tells the student what will be covered in the presentation. normal anatomy and physiology pathophysiology how normal anatomy and physiology is altered new information on etiology of disease/problem: within the last 2 years

•include discussion of genetic etiology of disease, if applicable how the body compensates or attempts to compensate for change in anatomy and/or physiology risk factors (this can be included as it’s own objective)

•overview of health promotion/disease prevention: signs and symptoms signs and symptoms of the disease include the scientific rationale behind the S/S optional areas to be discussed [This depends on the topic being presented.]

•growth and development issues would be covered under this section environmental issues socioeconomic issues diagnostic testing research supporting the new approach to diagnosis microbiology: if this is an issue discuss organism, method of transmission,vulnerable, populations, methods of prevention

8.overview of treatment: results of research studies: science behind recently recommended changes in treatment…remember this is a SCIENCE class

9.application of information to a professional discipline (for example: nursing) practice education

Science Homework Help

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