Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Detecting Covid-19 using Forensic Light. 200 words. No Introduction and Conclusion

Kindly note that this question requires an expert in forensic science. I want 200 words without including the introduction and conclusion.

This is what I want

1. Which part of the UV light will detect the virus.

2. which part of the virus will be visible under the UV light

3. In which color/line and section of the UV light will be the part of the virus detected in.

As you do this, here are some tips

1. The paper should be written with forensic science concept.

2. You Can you search under this title” how forensic light source detect saliva in the crime scene “ looking for the latest articles.

We will know which content of saliva Stan react with light and which typy of light and the strength of wave length theoretically

After you can search under different title “ the theory of forensic light source application

Science Homework Help

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