Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. answer the questions.

follow the reqeriments please and read the article carfully do not use oyt side sources only the article that I proviede.

Part 1

Read the Abstract carefully, then the Introduction. Look at the pictures and read the captions. Read the Results. Scan the Methods. Try to figure out the general idea of the paper, what are the authors trying to say? Do you believe them with the data they present?

Please click read the article and use to answer the questions below. (Links to an external site.)

Part 2

Answer the following questions. Please type your response and submit as a PDF to Canvas:

  1. What are the two hypotheses? Which of these hypotheses was supported?
  2. Briefly describe the data used to support this hypothesis?
  3. Why is the sea slug green?
  4. How does this research support the theory of endosymbiosis?
  5. Describe how this is a case of lateral gene transfer.
  6. Use the supplemental figure below to describe the origin of the plastid in Elysia chlorotica. What level of endosymbiosis is this? What evidence is there to support this? This image is found in the supplemental information PDF from the paper.
  7. **Choose one article used as a reference for this paper. You can fins these resources at the end of the paper. Write a paragraph to summarize the article or describe something new that was discovered.

Science Homework Help

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