Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. How would you try to balance an increasing need for food , environmental science homework help

Please add at least 2 meaningful poststhat contain facts from peer reviewed journals (not the textbook). You need to posts you own materials and respond to others.

So far we have talked about basic environmental issues, human values and interactions with our environment, and what resources we use and need to harness in the coming decades as fossil fuel reserves diminish. Our last topic will cover our most basic of need: food, or more specifically agriculture. Agricultural success starts with good soils and a basic understanding about how the soil ecosystems, structure and underlying minerals affect yield for an ever growing mass of people. Remember not just food, but agriculture in various forms derives fiber as well, which is needed for everything from wood for houses and fuel, to clothing and cardboard.

Given that we all need to eat, HOW would you try to balance an increasing need for food and fiber worldwide against environmental protection of the air we breath, the water we drink and soil where we grow our food to eat?

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