Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. hospital database.

Contents of submission:

  • DD (data type, constraints)
  • Database Diagram
  • Tables, Views, Stored Procedures
  • 2 Table level Triggers of your choice
  • 1 Rule and 1 Default (database level)

Required Items: Tables

  • You must have at least one Check, Default, Calculated Column.
  • Each table must have PK index set to non-clustered.
  • Each table must have a clustered index.
  • You must have at least 20 Nurses, 50 patients, 100 beds, 5 wards, 10 Physicians.
  • You must have at least 10 items, 10 treatments, 5 specialties.

Required Items: Views

  • You must have at least 3 views, 1 must be indexed
  • You must use ‘as’ to set labels for the columns in your result sets
  • View 1: List of Nurses full names assigned to all Wards in the past month, grouped by Ward.
  • View 2: All Patients full names and their ages calculated from their DOBs, assigned to beds in the past month.
  • View 3: Longest, Shortest, and Average length of stay at the Hospital.

Required Items: Stored Procedures

  • 4 sprocs, 1 with at least 2 parameters.
  • Sproc 1: Patient full name and age, @patient
  • Sproc 2: List of Beds, size, type, by Ward, @Ward
  • Sproc 3: List of Patients by full name and Ward assigned in past month, with admitting physician last name, @patient @physician
  • Sproc 4: List of all patients not assigned to a bed and all beds not assigned to a patient.

Additional Requirements: Logic checks

  • You must demonstrate each view and each sproc logic checked.
  • For example, if your query is time range based, then it should be logic checked against the same query not time based. If your query is an inner join, then it should be logic checked against the same query with an outer join (left, right, full).

    1. Data dictionary detailing column labels, data types, defaults, rules, checks, index, identity, unique.
    2. Database diagram demonstrating connections (PK-FK) between tables.
    3. Upload DBDD, MDF, LDF files.

Programming Homework Help

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