Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Application of Text Analysis

Task: Work with Python in Jupyter Notebook (within Anaconda) (100%)
(1) Copy the text in the Box to a Notepad file and give a file name yourname.txt.
Read yourname.txt file in Jupyter notebook. (10%)
(2) Use sentence tokenizer to split the text into sentences and show how many
sentences are in this block of text. (20%)
(3) Word-level analysis: text data cleaning and pre-process (40%)
– convert all words to lower case
– remove all punctuations
– remove stop words
– lemmatize all words
(4) Generate a word frequency distribution chart (top 10 highest frequent words)
(5) Download your Jupyter Notebook as a pdf file (10%)
To order to finish the tasks above, you need to install nltk package on your computer.
Click the link and you will find three different ways to install nltk package (and any
other python packages too).
How to install NLTK in anaconda for windows| Natural language toolkit – YouTube (or copy
the following link: )
Then, from nltk package call the related functions
from nltk import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk import FreqDist
(If you use Anaconda from, nltk package has been preinstalled and you don’t have to install it).
Submission requirement: (No word limit for this task

Programming Homework Help

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