Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. MY SQL Introduction

First Steps With SQL


This assignment will not only help you better understand database concepts by introducing you to MariaDB and the MySQL command line client, but it will also give you the opportunity to practice basic SQL statements. In preparing to complete this assignment, be sure to review and practice the SQL commands presented in Chapter 3 of Dyer’s Learning MySQL and MariaDB.


Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria. You will use the Weekly Solutions Submission Template to submit your assignment.

Use the Capella library or the Internet to research the Database System Life Cycle. Find at least two references and cite them. Note that the names and wording in the steps of the life cycle may superficially vary between different sources. Focus on understanding the concepts presented, rather than the language.

  1. Using the MySQL command line client, log in to MariaDB and complete exercises 1–3 at the end of Chapter 3 of Dyer’s Learning MySQL and MariaDB.
    • Save the SQL statements and results to a text file using the MySQL tee command.
    • Take screenshots of your SQL statements and results for each exercise to be included in the Weekly Solutions Submission Template.
  2. Reflecting on this assignment, summarize the steps taken to complete the assignment and any issues you encountered.
  3. The Database System Life Cycle, otherwise known as the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), consists of five important steps:
    • Investigation.
    • System Design.
    • Development.
    • Execution.
    • Maintenance.
  4. Summarize each Database System Life Cycle step and describe how they work together.
  5. Explain how you have used, or can use, the Life Cycle in another context. For example, how can these steps be used when buying a car or planning a trip?
  6. Use a table to show parallels between developing a database and performing the task you chose.

Programming Homework Help

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