Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Write a menu based program to maintain student records.

Write a program in C to maintain the student records.

Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Your program should take the following inputs:

1. Student first name (max. 20 characters)

2. Student last name, (max. 20 characters)

3. Student scores (float/double), e.g. 85.4

Your program should be able to take records of a minimum of 5 students. After taking the records,

you should provide 8 functionalities to the user.

1. Print records – prints records of all students

2. Add a new record – take a new record from the user for a new student. Be careful, you may need to allocate more memory using dynamic memory allocation.

3. Delete record(s) – to delete a record, ask for the last name of the student from the user. If there are multiple students with same last name, you must delete all of their records. You must free up the memory holding these records.

4. Search by last name – prints record of the student with a given last name. If there are multiple students with the same last name, print records for all of them.

5. Sort by score – sort the records of students according to their scores, and then print the sorted records.

6. Sort by last name – sort the records of students according to their names alphabetically, and then print the sorted records. The Lab 4 submission guideline:

7. Find the median score – compute the median score and print it. Also, print how many students are above this median score.

8. Exit the program – terminate on a specific input from the user. Let that specific input be an

integer of value 0.

You should print the record in the following format:

First Name: firstname 1, Last Name: lastname 1, Score: score 1

First Name: firstname 2, Last Name: lastname 2, Score: score 2




You should write each functionality from 1-7 in separate functions. You should provide a menu tothe user as following:

For inputs:

Please indicate number of records you want to enter (min 5, max 15):

#of records

After user gives the number of records, you should inform the user how to enter the records:

Please input records of students (enter a new line after each record), with following format

first name last name score

After user gives the inputs for the records, inform the user about the functionalities:

Print records (press 1)

Add a new record (press 2)

Delete record(s) (press 3)

Search by last name (press 4)

Sort by score (press 5)

Sort by last name (press 6)

Find median score (press 7)

Exit the program (press 0)

After user chooses functionality, your program performs that and provides this menu again to select another functionality. This goes on until user presses 0

Programming Homework Help

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