Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Sorting hand of cards

Exercise step-wise refinement to produce an object-oriented way of sorting a hand of cards. This will make use of the object oriented-concept of an interface. It should also exercise understanding of a(n) ArrayList or List. Use good coding habits to avoid hard-coding values, avoid user input errors and bullet-proof your code. Description: Have the user enter a hand of cards from the console in random order. Write a program that does a sort on a collection of a custom object (not using a library in C#) to order the cards. Then print to the console a least-to-greatest ordered arrangement of the cards. Playing cards are ordered by value then by suit. The program should take any number of cards, so this could be a hand of five, seven or thirteen cards. For values, assume: 2<3<4<5<6<7<8 < 9 <10<J <<K<A For suits, assume: Hearts < Diamonds < Clubs < Spades For simplicity of input this will only deal with capital letters, so if the user enters a lowercase letter, you should capitalize it. Example: If a user enters 7H (it means 7 of hearts), 3C (it means 3 of Clubs). AH (it means ace of hearts), and AS (ace of spades), then it should print 3C, 7H, AH, and AS. Evaluation 1. Sort the cards – 20 2. Implementing Card Object Compare Tol) so that it can be used by the collection sort – 20 3. Implementation of Card ToString) – 10 4. Implementation of converting input into a card – 10 5. Output of the card – 10 6. Works for any hand of cards (varying size and cards) – 20 7. Comments explaining coding and Good Coding Standards – 10 Extra Credit + 30 Implement a method to shuffle the cards that the user provided. It should return a random ordering that will be different each time it is called. Call this after ordering the deck and output it again. +10 Modify the input and output of the cards to be pretty so that it writes and accepts 7 of hearts instead of 7H

Programming Homework Help

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