Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. An easy and straightforward question.

Those answer are pretty much straightforward and can be answered easily. Attached is the database you will be testing and analyzing.

You DON’T need to edit the database, just answer the questions below and give some solutions after you test and analyze the database. Just so you know, the content of the zip file is the database and the sample paper. Thank you so much.


  1. Test the table. Can answers to the desired question be obtained using the planned table structure?
  2. Analyze the table. Are there fields or relationships that need to be changed?
  3. Eliminate repeating groups of fields.
  4. Create a data entry form. Consider how the data will be entered. Are there fields or relationships that need to be changed?


  1. Test the table again—can answers to the desired question be obtained using the planned table structure?
  2. Analyze the table—how will the data be viewed?
  3. Eliminate record modification problems (such as redundant or inconsistent data) and record deletion and addition problems.


  1. Test the table again. Can answers to the desired question be obtained using the planned table structure?
  2. Identify and implement security measures to restrict access to the database.
  3. Create a query that answers your question.


  1. Analyze the results of the query. Did it answer the question? Did it give you the results you expected? What changes do you need to make, if any?
  2. Create a report to communicate the query results.

Programming Homework Help

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